Manuel Girard
Discover the Fleurie appellation by winemaker Manuel Girard. Newly installed, Manuel Girard works as naturally as possible with Gamay and Chardonnay. To be tested without further delay!
Having trouble making a choice?
Topo, our robot sommelier helps you choose from more than 600 wines, according to your preferences. They even say he gives you a gift at the end 🤫...
Nos vins coups de coeur ❤️
On a goûté, on a adoré ! Pas question de se tromper avec ces bouteilles !€32,00
Saint Véran 2015 - Domaine Robert-Denogent
Vin naturel
Vin sans sulfites ajoutés
Coup de coeur
Coeur vaillant 2020 - Caroline Bain
Vin en biodynamie
Vin naturel
Vin sans sulfites ajoutés
Coup de coeur
Terre de Silice blanc 2021 - Domaine Reynald Héaulé
Vin naturel
Vin sans sulfites ajoutés
Coup de coeur