Le vin : De la vigne à la bouteille, l’Art de la vinification

Wine: From the vine to the bottle, the Art of winemaking

Aug 21, 2023epi-curieux

Creating a wine is an exceptional art that begins before grape picking and bottling. The choice of vines and the care are important to produce a good wine. From the selection of the vines to the assembly, let's discover together how to transform the fruit into a remarkable and unique wine, whether it is a red wine or a white wine.

The soil and the wine-growing foundations

The creation of wine takes place in the vineyards and its lands, where the choice is very important. You have to explore your environment, the soil, the climate, etc., because this greatly influences the character of the wine, which then determines its unique flavors and aromas.
Once the vineyards have been chosen, delicate attention is given to the vines throughout their growth cycle, ensuring that each bunch of grapes is a promise of quality.

Harvesting and preparation

As soon as the grapes have reached their optimum maturity, it's time to harvest. The bunches are then carefully picked by hand and then sorted to eliminate any imperfections. This step ensures that only the most perfect grapes will be used for wine.
It is the quality of the harvest that directly determines the quality of the final wine.

Putting in vats and in barrels

Winemaking is the art of transforming bunches of grapes into grape juice and then into wine. The raisins are then pressed to extract the sweet juice which then ferments thanks to indigenous yeasts.
For red wines, fermentation takes place with the skins which will bring the dark color and tannin. For white wines, the skins are usually removed to preserve the delicacy of the aromas.
After fermentation, some wines age in oak barrels, adding complex and unique nuances to their profile.

From bottling to tasting.

When the wine is finally ready to be bottled, it is delicately sealed and ready to be tasted.
Now time to labeling to tell its story, its origin and its vintage. Some wines are ready to enjoy straight out of the bottle while others will improve with age.
The tasting, the moment of pleasure and discovery will allow you to travel through it.

Winemaking is a balance between tradition and innovation where each step reflects the winemakers' commitment to create a unique experience. From patience in the vineyards to expertise in the cellar, each bottle of wine is the passionate result of a story that unfolds in each of your sips. White wine or red wine, wine embodies the perfect union between nature and human art.

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